Healthcare Conference - Business Leaders Forum 2024
Langue(s) de l'événement
Tarif :
* Please pay via Stripe Payment online system before registration
Presential Attendance:
- CCIFJ Member: 9 000 yens
- Non-Member: 18 000 yens
Only Online Attendance:
- CCIFJ Member: 5 000 yens
- Non-Member: 10 000 yens
*Any cancellation after the deadline or no-show will be charged.
*All participants are required to pay online before the event.
L'événement est terminé.
Japanese Healthcare Transition - Medical Progress and Technical Innovation for a Better Medical Care (In-Person & Online)
We are delighted to inform you that The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCI France-Japon) will organize the 5th edition of its Healthcare Conference, in partnership with the French Embassy, focusing on the theme: “Japanese Healthcare Transition - Medical Progress and Technical Innovation for a Better Medical Care”, on Thursday, September 19th, 2024, from 3pm onwards. It will take place at L'Espace CCIFJ (Nihonbashi, Tokyo).
The upcoming Healthcare Conference promises to be an exhilarating exploration of the future of healthcare. From cutting-edge innovations, this event will delve into every facet of the industry. Attendees can expect riveting discussions on topics like enhanced access to medical services, productivity breakthroughs, vaccination strategies, and the transformative power of digital medicine.
This Conference is part of the ‘Business Leaders Forum’, a series of events dedicated to gathering experts from different sectors to discuss forthcoming industry challenges. The Business Leaders Forum also aims at providing networking opportunities in order to promote France-Japan collaboration.
The topics tackled by this sectorial Conference will be echoed by our annual key event, the Business Summit, to be held on December 3rd, 2024, under the theme "Inventing a Better Future in a Changing World".
We encourage you to attend so as to expand your knowledge and network in this industry!
The press will also be invited to attend the conference.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Master of Ceremony: Philippe AUVARO, Executive Director, Medical Data Vision Co., Ltd
• Nicolas BONNARDEL, General manager, CCI France Japon
• Christophe GRIGNON, Economic Counsellor, Embassy of France in Japan
• Taisuke HASHIMOTO, Director, Healthcare Industries Division, Commerce and Service Industry Policy Group, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
16:05 PANEL 1: Scientific Progress and Enabling New MedicalApproaches in the Japanese Healthcare Ecosystem
Moderator: Jeff VOLINSKI, Partner, A.T. Kearney
• Taro MASUNAGA, Executive Vice President, Head of Discovery Accelerator, Astellas Pharma Inc.
• Toshihiro ISHIKIRIYAMA, Senior Executive Fellow, JCR Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
• Toshio Fujimoto, Chief Executive Officer, iPark Institute Co., Ltd.
16:50 Q&A
• Nahoko MATSUYAMA, Group Strategy Division, Bio and Healthcare Taskforce, HORIBA, Ltd.
17:35 PANEL 2 - Technical Innovation for Better Access to Healthcare and Productivity
Moderator: Philippe AUVARO, Executive Director, Medical Data Vision Co., Ltd
• Atul KURANI, Vice President and Head of Life Sciences, Capgemini Engineering
• Serge MAMBOU, Digital Business Analysis Lead Omnichannel, Sanofi K.K.
• Mahesh RAVI, Senior Business Development Lead, Business Innovation, Roche Diagnostics K.K.
• Motohide NISHI, Vice President, Professional services, Medidata Solutions K.K.
• Dr. Yuuri UEDA, CEO, Confie Inc.
• Pavel Gen TANAKA, BIOFIRE Marketing Manager, bioMérieux Japan Ltd.
18:20 Q&A
Date: Thursday, September 19th
Time: 15:30-20:30 (Doors open at 15:00)
Language: English/Japanese (simultaneous interpretation)
Venue : CCI France Japon “L’Espace” - at CCIFJ office !
Address: 2-2-2 Nihombashi, Honcho 1F, Chuo-ku, 103-0023 Tokyo
Fee: Please pay via Stripe Payment online system before registration
Registration Deadline: Thursday, September 12th, 2024, 17:00.
Presential attendance fees:
* 9 000 yens for members of the French Chamber
* 18 000 yens for non-members
Remote attendance fees:
* 5 000 yens for members of the French Chamber
* 10 000 yens for non-members
Deadline for registration/cancellation Thursday, September 12th, 2024, 17:00.
Any cancellation after the deadline or no-show will be charged.
All participants are required to pay by CREDIT CARD (via Stripe Payment online system) before the event.
Please register each attendee separately. Number of Seats is limited, be first to register!
Thank you for your understanding.
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Healthcare Conference - Business Leaders Forum 2024
L'événement est terminé.