How to manage Millennials and GenZ
Langue(s) de l'événement
Tarif :
Member price - 20 000 JPY
Non member price - 35 000 JPY
VAT Excluded
L'événement est terminé.
- Context of this program
Around 30% of new grads will quit their job within 3 years. 75% of millennials/Gen Z will prioritise the social impact of a company over the financial conditions offered to them when choosing a job. How they are valued as individuals is extremely important to them, but so is their privacy. Their definition of who to recognise as a superior is different, and should you not satisfy their communication expectations, total withdrawal can be as sudden as it can be absolute.
To us non-millennials/Gen Z individuals navigating the communications with our younger team members can be a source of stress and confusion as their expectations can come across as inconsistent. One is never sure what or when the next « […]harassment » will be coined and what one might be accused of. Non-compliance with requests, incomplete or off topic delivery of requested work, sudden disappearance (resignation) are factors that are not as rare as one would like them to be.
This course provides guidelines to help you understand how and what to communicate to help them maximise their potential, overcome their issues, and deliver the results you need them to deliver.
The Framework will also help you communicate with your younger team members in such a way as to make them feel comfortable and intrinsically motivated to complete the tasks you want to allocate to them.
- Who should attend?
If you are managing a team of people under 35, are finding it difficult to communicate with, and intrinsically motivate them, this is the course for you. If you have issues with employee retention, team efficiency, this course will provide you with a framework to overcome the issues and improve your team efficiency.
- Training program and objectives
This training has a strong group work and role play component. It is based on the belief you have to think it and experience it to keep it.
The training will be in 2 parts
Part I : About millennials and Gen Z
- A working definition of who they are.
- A description of their cultural background and, how it differs from hours
- Learning how their cultural background impacts their vision of the world and the way they communicate.
- Summary
Part II : Communication Framework :
- A communication framework for daily conversation.
- A delegation framework for assigning tasks in such a way as to keep them motivated and help them succeed.
- Buddy plan and PDCA
End : Q&A
- About the speaker
Carlo La Porta is the founder and Motivation Architect of Mpowered Sales. He and has been living in Japan for 30 years, mostly as a consultant for both foreign and local consulting firms such as KPMG/Bearingpoint, LowendalMasai and big name clients such as McDonalds Japan, Hitachi/Oclaro, Sakura, Veolia Waters(JP). Early on he came to understand that imposing tasks on client teams or getting their boss to impose tasks upon them is often a guarantee of missed deadlines, low quality work, excuses and team discord. Finding ways to foster intrinsic motivation was crucial to good teamwork and efficient results and it became his passion. Since starting his own company, clients have included both foreign capital and local clients, and to date, all clients have reported at least one of the following: improvements in activity rates (for sales teams), profitability, revenue. Reduction in employee turn over.

How to manage Millennials and GenZ
L'événement est terminé.