Meet & Connect TECH4GOOD Event- Business Leaders Forum 2022
Langue(s) de l'événement
Tarif :
* Please pay via Stripe Payment online system before registration
Members: JPY 2,000
No-Members: JPY 4,000
*Any cancellation after the deadline or no-show will be charged.
*All participants are required to pay online before the event. Thank you for your understanding.
L'événement est terminé.
Are you a rising startup interested in French, Japanese or European markets?
Do you offer a sustainable, innovative solution for problems yet to be solved?
If so, then this unique startup pitch competition is for you!
Following the success of the 2021 edition, the French Chamber of Commerce in Japan is hosting the 5th edition of the Meet & Connect Event, on December 8th, 2022!
This year, we are looking for French and Japanese startups to compete to win one of our five corporate challenges.
Showcase your solutions and products in the field of Tech4Good and make your pitch in front of a global audience of investors, industry leaders, and thought leaders!
APPLY NOW by clicking below (you will be redirected to a Google Form)
We are looking forward to hearing from you !
Any questions?
Please contact us:
Aurore ROULLEAUX-DUGAGE Director Business Leaders Forum
a.roulleaux(@) (English/French)
Mayu HANDA Manager Business Leaders Forum
m.handa(@) (French/Japanese)
2022 Business Leaders Forum Sponsors
Modalités d'accès

Meet & Connect TECH4GOOD Event- Business Leaders Forum 2022
L'événement est terminé.