Frédéric OudéaChief Executive Officer

Supervisor of the Service Units: Risk, Compliance, Audit & Inspection, Finance, General Secretary and Human
Resources & Communication.
A French national, Frédéric Oudéa is a graduate of France’s École polytechnique and École nationale d’administration. From 1987 to 1995, he held a number of positions in the French senior civil service, the Audit Department of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, the Budget Ministry and the Cabinet of the Minister of the Treasury and Communication.
He joined Societe Generale in 1995, successively holding the positions of Deputy Head and Head of the Corporate Banking farm in London. In 1998, he was appointed Head of Global Supervision and Development of the Equities Department. He became Deputy Chief Financial Officer of Societe Generale group in May 2002 and later Chief Financial Officer in January 2003.
In 2008, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Group.
He was both Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Societe Generale from May 2009 to May 2015. He has served as Chief Executive Officer since the separation in May 2015 of the functions of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer.
He is Chairman of the Foundation of École polytechnique and member of Board of Directors of École polytechnique.
Other mandates held in French listed companies Director: Cap Gemini (since 2018)