Thomas WalshHead of Offshore Development at RWE Renewables Japan GK

Tom has held various senior roles in offshore energy development for more than 15 years, with the last five years based in APAC. Currently Tom holds the role of Head of Offshore Development at RWE Renewables Japan GK where he leads the development of a multi GW pipeline of projects from greenfield to post bid award, including both bottom fixed and floating offshore wind prospects. Throughout his career he has worked on projects in various markets from early stage development to FID with auction success in various jurisdictions and multiple frameworks.
Tom is currently based in Tokyo and previously studied at University College London where he graduated with a MSc


トムは15年以上にわたり、洋上風力発電開発の様々な上級職を務め、過去5年間はアジア太平洋地域を拠点に置いている。現在、RWE Renewables Japan合同会社で日本における洋上風力発電開発本部長を務めており、着床式および浮体式の洋上風力発電の将来的な可能性を含む、グリーンフィールドから入札後の受注までの複数GWパイプラインプロジェクトの開発を指揮している。

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