Actus des entreprises

Altera Consulting Launches Altera Connect: Find and Hire Bilingual Consultant Freelancers in Japan

Altera Consulting Launches Altera Connect: Find and Hire Bilingual Consultant Freelancers in Japan

Altera Consulting Co., Ltd., a leader in digital transformation and consulting services, is thrilled to announce the launch of Altera Connect, an innovative platform designed to bridge the gap between multinational companies and top-tier bilingual consultants in Japan. This service aims to streamline the process of matching businesses with skilled consultants who have both the technical expertise and the cultural fluency needed to succeed in the Japanese market.

Background: Addressing a Critical Need in the Market

The launch of Altera Connect comes in response to a pressing need identified by Altera Consulting through years of industry experience. Japan’s unique business landscape demands not only technical expertise but also cultural and linguistic fluency, which can be challenging for multinational companies to find. Recognizing this gap, Altera Consulting has developed Altera Connect to offer a reliable, efficient solution for sourcing bilingual consultants who can excel in this complex environment.

“Through our extensive work with multinational clients, we realized the critical importance of having consultants who are not only technically proficient but also culturally and linguistically adept. Altera Connect was born out of this necessity to ensure successful project outcomes in Japan,” said Frederic Peyrot, CEO of Altera Consulting.

Altera Connect for Companies: Simplifying the Search for Bilingual Experts

Altera Connect is tailored to meet the unique needs of companies operating in Japan’s dynamic business environment. Multinational corporations often face the challenge of finding consultants who not only possess technical expertise but also have the linguistic and cultural fluency to navigate Japan’s market. Altera Connect addresses this need by offering:

  • Premier Talent Pool: Access to an exclusive selection of bilingual experts in technology, digital transformation, and project management.
  • Unmatched Quality and Compatibility: A rigorous four-step vetting process ensures that only the best consultants make it through, guaranteeing high-quality matches.
  • Efficient Matching: Personalized assistance from talent managers who match consultants to companies’ specific project needs.
  • Adaptive Engagements: Flexible engagement models tailored to companies’ project requirements, desired consultant allocation, and budget.

“Our platform is designed to provide businesses with the right talent quickly and efficiently, ensuring that projects are executed with precision and cultural sensitivity,” said Frederic, CEO of Altera Consulting.

Altera Connect for Consultants: Unlocking Premier Opportunities

For bilingual consultants, Altera Connect opens doors to exciting projects with leading multinational and domestic companies. The platform streamlines the process of finding relevant and impactful work, allowing consultants to focus on what they do best.

Key benefits for consultants include:

  • Top-Tier Project Access: To access prominent companies on high-impact projects.
  • Hassle-Free Engagement: Administrative tasks are handled by Altera Connect, so consultants can concentrate on delivering excellent results.
  • Competitive Compensation: Negotiation on behalf of consultants to ensure competitive rates.
  • Flexibility: To choose projects that align with their skill, desired rates, interests, and preferred working styles.
  • Support and Development: Consultants can access a vast amount of resources and get continuous support from Altera throughout their project delivery.

“Consultants don’t want to spend time doing sales and finding their next clients; nor do they like negotiating contracts and rates. Altera Connect allows them to focus on what they do best and takes the commercial and admin parts out of their way.” said Frederic, CEO of Altera Consulting.

About Altera Consulting

Altera Consulting is a digital transformation consulting company based in Tokyo, Japan, specializing in helping businesses build and enhance their technology and digital capabilities to improve their business and operations. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, Altera Consulting provides transformation audits and strategy, end-to-end solution implementation and migration, process optimization, data intelligence, ChatGPT training, and agile transformation services.



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