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The year-end festivities are coming...Boost your sales!
Enhance your brand and products in our online catalogue and increase your sales through or community
What is the online catalogue?
“The Fine Selection by CCI France Japon”, is an online catalogue promoting our best member’s offers.
You will find a range of premium products and services selected by our members in different categories representing the French and Japanese finesse as food and beverage, cosmetics, accessories…
Why contribute to this online catalogue?
- Increase your sales
- Expand your customers base
- Gain visibility and grow awareness for your brand and your products
- Destock your products
Tell me more about this project...
- Company name and logo
- Products' pictures (maximum of 6)
- Products/offer description
- Dedicated contact and purchase link
- To the CCIFJ business community (more of 15.000 contacts) and among a wide customer database
- Dedicated page (presentation, download, brand logos carousel) on our website
- Article (in French/Japanese/English) on our website
- Display of a specific banner
- Special insert in our France Japon Eco magazine
- Relay on social networks