Hello Tomorrow Japan

Since 2017, Hello Tomorrow Japan has been energizing local innovation communities in Japan, marking a significant impact on the country's deep tech landscape. 


Hello Tomorrow Japan is part of the global Hello Tomorrow network, a global network born in France in 2011, which promotes and supports cutting-edge innovations, bridging the gap between ideas and their concrete implementation. Focused on deep tech, Hello Tomorrow helps startup founders generate meaningful change and tackle complex global challenges through collaboration and entrepreneurship.

Deep tech refers to cutting-edge technologies rooted in scientific discoveries or technical innovations, capable of delivering significant breakthroughs and disrupting various industry sectors. 

Our core mission in Japan is to bridge the gaps in local and global ecosystems by connecting innovators, industry leaders and investment opportunities. Through events and networking, we address the specific needs and interests of Japan's innovation community and facilitate knowledge sharing, idea exchanges and meetings to create meaningful connections and partnerships that foster innovation.


Facebook @HelloTomorrowJP 

Linkedin @hello-tomorrow-japan



Diane DESCHAMPS Responsable Hello tomorrow Japan
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