Members' directory
The online members' directory of the CCI France Japon lists the contact information of member companies of all French...
The main objective of CCI France Japon is to facilitate the relations between member companies, by creating an environment where opportunities to work together are within easy reach.
Its primary purpose is to animate the French-Japanese business community and to support French or Japanese businesses in their international growth.
The CCI France Japon members' directory lists information and contact details of Japanese, International and French member companies, as well as that of companies that belong to the worldwide network of French Chambers of Commerce.
Find a member
The online members' directory of the CCI France Japon lists the contact information of member companies of all French...
Becoming a member of CCI France Japon means joining a business community of over 650 French, Japanese, and international...
Choose the membership offer that suits you best: Supporting member, Active member, Start-up, Non-resident. Every offer has...
New! Discover the CCIFI Connect Mobile App, exclusively available for members of the French CCIs abroad.
Discover the list of our Sponsor members
Presentation of the companies that recently joined CCI France Japon.
CCI France Japon has a branch in Osaka, in Fukuoka and in Nagoya that offers the same range of services to Kansai companies:...
The CCI France Japon has set up a Help Desk to assist our members companies doing business in Japan and find solutions to...
As a member of CCI France Japon, you can enjoy the benefits of our Privilege Program with special offers or special prices...
Contact the membership team for any question or comment