Develop your business anywhere in the world with the CCI France International network!
The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCI France Japon) is the 1st European Chamber in Japan. Discover our team, services, partners, last activity report and all the information you need
More information
Becoming a member of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan means joining a business community of over 650 companies and 1500 decision-makers, gaining access to numerous benefits.
The online members' directory of the CCI France Japon lists the contact information of member companies of all French Chambers of Commerce and Industry abroad.
Becoming a member of CCI France Japon means joining a business community of over 650 French, Japanese, and international companies and 1500 decision-makers.
Choose the membership offer that suits you best: Supporting member, Active member, Start-up, Non-resident. Every offer has its benefits.
New! Discover the CCIFI Connect Mobile App, exclusively available for members of the French CCIs abroad.
Discover the list of our Sponsor members
Presentation of the companies that recently joined CCI France Japon.
CCI France Japon has a branch in Osaka, in Fukuoka and in Nagoya that offers the same range of services to Kansai companies: promotion, events, supporting missions... .
The CCI France Japon has set up a Help Desk to assist our members companies doing business in Japan and find solutions to meet their needs.
As a member of CCI France Japon, you can enjoy the benefits of our Privilege Program with special offers or special prices including hotels, restaurants, shops, car rental, food & beverage, culture or different services anywhere in the world!
Contact the membership team for any question or comment
Conferences on the latest news from Japan, meetings with key personalities, discussions with experts on the Japanese market, lunches, inter-chamber networking, seminars, company visits... More than a hundred events are organised by the CCI France-Japan every year!
Find out about all our upcoming events
Find the summaries and photos of the past events of the CCI France Japon
Looking for a unique place to host your next event? CCI France Japon is providing its members with a beautiful 120m² space that reconciles prestige, conviviality and practicality.
BONJOUR FRANCE invites Japanese people to discover the French way of life
Give your company exceptional exposure during an event of CCI France Japon.
Event registration, payments, contact... Find all the frequently asked questions
Contact the event team for any question or comment
Following the success of the industry events and of the Business Summits held over the past 7 years, we are pleased to present the 2025 program of the Business Leaders Forum!
Monday, September 22nd, 2025
Thursday, September 11th, 2025
Tuesday, October 7th, 2025
Thursday, December 12th, 2024
Tuesday, April 15th, 2025
Tuesday, May 27th, 2025
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024
Discover all the news of the Business Development department: opportunities to expand into Japan, mission summaries, market data, success stories...
Discover key figures, trends, business opportunities and the peculiarities of the Japanese market.
Discover our range of services to support you at every stage of your expansion into the Japanese market.
Check our sectoral notes to target the best growth opportunities in every industry in Japan.
Find some success stories and testimonies from companies that the CCI France Japon supported in their growth.
Contact the Business Development team.
We are pleased to introduce the 3rd edition of the Women In Business Program designed for women in the Japanese workforce aspiring for, or already in managing positions. By launching this training, we offer a unique opportunity for organizations in Japan to become truly inclusive, help talented woman grow & accelerate their leadership skills.
Contact the Recruiting and Training team.
Here you will find all the news about the Franco-Japanese business community and in particular the members of the CCI France Japan. Economy, business, product launches, events, analysis...
Contact the communication team
Studio CCI France Japon - Podcasts & Video
Discover inspiring testimonials from our members, their initiatives, partnerships, and successes. Dive into the heart of the positive impact they create and find inspiration for your own business journey.