Marine MOULARDCo-fondatrice & Directrice Générale- Au Fil du Japon

Graduate of an MBA in Travel Management from ESCAET in Aix-en-Provence, France, Marine arrived in the archipelago in 2013 and decided to launch Au Fil du Japon, a French-speaking local travel agency based in Tokyo.

For the past 10 years, the agency's motto has been to help people discover the archipelago in all its facets, from the first discoveries to off-the-beaten-path explorations. In 2021, AFDJ relaunched the Korean agency Cap Corée, successfully replicating its model in another destination. Today, the two agencies combined employ over forty permanent staff members and around a hundred occasional collaborators, all with the goal of offering French-speaking clients the most incredible experiences from the farthest corners of the world.

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