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Energy Conference - Business Leaders Forum 2023
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* Please pay via Stripe Payment online system before registration
Presential Attendance:
- 9 000 yens for members of the French Chamber
- 18 000 yens for non-members
Only Online Attendance:
- 5 000 yens for members of the French Chamber
- 10 000 yens for non-members
*Any cancellation after the deadline or no-show will be charged.
*All participants are required to pay online before the event. Thank you for your understanding.
Event ended.
Green transformation in Japan: how to make this ambition a reality?
The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCI France-Japon) is glad to inform you that it will be holding, in partnership with the French Embassy, the 6th edition of its Energy Conference. Focusing on green transformation in the Japanese energy sector, it will take placeon Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023, from 3pm onwards at L'Espace CCIFJ (Nihonbashi, Tokyo).
This Conference is part of the ‘Business Leaders Forum’, a series of events dedicated to gathering experts from different sectors to discuss forthcoming industry challenges. The Business Leaders Forum also aims at providing networking opportunities in order to promote France-Japan collaboration.
More specifically, the Energy Conference will focus on the transformation of energy use in Japan, unveiling innovative visions on using new energy sources to reach efficiency and carbon neutrality. Bringing together the supply and demand sides, the Conference will present the standpoint and future awaiting the Japanese industry and citizens in achieving green transformation.
We encourage you to attend so as to expand your knowledge and network in this industry!
The topics tackled by this sectorial Conference will be echoed by our annual key event, the Business Summit, to be held on November 28th, 2023, and which will cover the theme of "innovation".
We are looking forward to seeing you!
The press will also be invited to attend the conference.
Master of Ceremony: Pr. ARIMA Jun, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo
15:30 Opening Remarks
- Bruno GAUSSORGUES, Group Country Head for Japan, Société Générale, Administrator, CCI France Japon
- Raphael KELLER, Minister Counsellor for Economic Affairs, French Embassy in Japan
15:40 Opening Keynotes
- INAMURA Takuma, Principal Director, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Department Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
16:00 PANEL 1: What is the energy plan and how to implement it?
Moderator: Pr. ARIMA Jun, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo
- Guillaume DEWAVRIN, President, Orano Japan
- INAMURA Takuma, Principal Director, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Department Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
- Stéphane COMPERE, President and Representative Director, EDF Renewables Japan
- Sandrine BROSSIER, Offshore Wind Commercial Manager, SAIPEM SA
- Cédric CHATEL, Managing Director, Energy + Group, Asia Pacific, Société Générale
17:00 Q&A PANEL 1
17:10 Coffee Break
17:30 Keynote Speech : Japan’s energy transition journey, since the Paris Agreement and beyond
- Stéfan LE DÛ, General Manager, Global Sustainability Consulting & Business Development, Asuene Inc.
17:40 PANEL 2: Decarbonization of the demand and user side
Moderator: OKUBO Takuji,Founder and Managing Director, Japan Macro Advisors
- ICHIMURA Takeshi, Chief Executive Officer, Energy Pool Japan
- MORI Haruhito, Junior Corporate Officer of HORIBA, Ltd., Deputy Division Manager of Energy & Environment Division, Horiba Ltd.
- TERADA Kenji, Group Manager, Energy Transition Business Development, Large Industries Division, Air Liquide Japan
- TSUTSUMI Kenzo, Energy Supply & Service Business Line Deputy Director, Veolia Jenets K.K
18:40 Q&A PANEL 2
18:50 Closing Remarks
19:00 - 20:30 Networking cocktail
Date Tuesday, October 3rd
Time 15:30-20:30 (Doors open at 15:00)
Language English/Japanese (simultaneous interpretation)
Venue CCI France Japon “L’Espace” - at CCIFJ office!
Address 2-2-2 Nihombashi, Honcho 1F, Chuo-ku, 103-0023 Tokyo
Fee Please pay via Stripe Payment online system before registration
Presential attendance:
* 9 000 yens for members of the French Chamber
* 18 000 yens for non-members
Remote attendance:
* 5 000 yens for members of the French Chamber
* 10 000 yens for non-members
Deadline for registration/cancellation Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 17:00.
Any cancellation after the deadline or no-show will be charged.
All participants are required to pay by CREDIT CARD (via Stripe Payment online system) before the event. Thank you for your understanding.
Register for this event
To register for this event, please click on the button "LOG IN", complete the form and click on the button "CONFIRM AND PAY".
Please register each attendee separately. Number of Seats is limited, be first to register!
Any Questions?
Please contact us:
Aurore ROULLEAUX DUGAGE Director, Business Leaders Forum
a.roulleaux(@)ccifj.or.jp (English/French)
Mayu HANDA Manager, Business Leaders Forum
m.handa((@))ccifj.or.jp (French/Japanese)
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Energy Conference - Business Leaders Forum 2023
Event ended.