Mobility Conference - Business Leaders Forum 2025

L’Espace, Nihonbashi Honcho Ys Building, 2F, 2 Chome-2-2 Nihonbashihoncho, Chuo City, 103-0023, Tokyo, Japan
See on map

Event language(s)

Deadline for registration: Tuesday 8 April 2025 - 5:00 pm (UTC+9)

Price: * Please pay via Stripe Payment online system before registration

Presential Attendance:
- 9 000 yens for members of the French Chamber
- 18 000 yens for non-members

Only Online Attendance:
- 5 000 yens for members of the French Chamber
- 10 000 yens for non-members

*Any cancellation after the deadline or no-show will be charged.
*All participants are required to pay online before the event. Thank you for your understanding.

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Future of mobility industry in an uncertain world : how to mitigate risks through partnerships? (In-Person & Online)

We are delighted to inform you that The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (CCI France-Japon) will organize the 8th edition of its Mobility Conference, in partnership with the French Embassy, focusing on the theme: Future of mobility industry in an uncertain world : how to mitigate risks throughpartnerships? , on Tuesday, April 15th2025, from 2:30pm onwards. It will take place at L'Espace CCIFJ (Nihonbashi, Tokyo).

This Conference is part of the ‘Business Leaders Forum’, a series of events dedicated to gathering experts from different sectors to discuss forthcoming industry challenges. The Business Leaders Forum also aims at providing networking opportunities in order to promote France-Japan collaboration.


More specifically, the Mobility Conference will highlight the future evolutions of the transportation sector, covering this theme from different points of view. Linking legal, environmental and consumer perspectives, the Conference will present the standpoint and future of Japan within the highly competitive sectors that are automobile and transports.

We encourage you to attend so as to expand your knowledge and network in this industry!


The topics tackled by this sectorial Conference will be echoed by our annual key event, the Business Summit, to be held on November 6th, 2025, which will be held under the theme "Building Optimism and Resilience in Unpredictable Times".


We are looking forward to seeing you!

The press will also be invited to attend the conference.



Master of Ceremony: Bernard DELMAS, Director, Nissan Motors

15:00 Opening Remarks

• Raphaël KELLER; Minister Counsellor for Economic Affairs, Embassy of France in Japan


15:10 Overview On The Current State and Future Trends

Quantitative perspective

• Christopher RICHTER, Managing Director, Senior Analyst, Japan Autos, CSLA


Qualitative perspective

• Marc AMBLARD, Founder & Managing Director, Orsay Consulting

• Hideaki SUESHIGE, Manager, Automotive Division, J.D. Power Japan Inc. 


Nissan vision

Moderator: Régis ARNAUD, Editor in Chief of «France Japon Eco» Magazine, CCI France Japon

• Hugues DESMARCHELIER, Vice President, Global Electrification Ecosystem & EV Programs, Nissan Motor


16:10 PANEL 1 - Electrification

Moderator:  Stephane LAGUT, Global Assurance and APAC Advanced Manufacturing & Mobility Leader, EY

• Kanzo TANIMOTO, CEO, ShirokumaPower Co., Ltd.



16:55 Coffee Break

17:20 PANEL 2 - Autonomous Drive  

Moderator:  Guillaume GERONDEAU, Vice President Transportation & Mobility Industry Asia Co-Managing Director Software République, Dassault Systèmes K.K.

• Shoji AKIYAMA, Business Region EVP, FORVIA Faurecia JIKA (Japan, India, Korea, ASEAN) 

• Shinpei KATO, Founder and CEO, TIER IV, INC



18:05 PANEL 3 - SDV - Software Defined Vehicle 

Moderator: Régis ARNAUD, Editor in Chief of «France Japon Eco» Magazine, CCI France Japon

• Christine CAVIGLIOLI, Vice President, Automotive & Mobility Services, Thales

• Yoshihito ITO, R&D Director, Valeo Group


•TBC, Toyota Tsusho Corporation 



•Thierry TOURNIER, Chairman of the Cluster « Pôle Véhicule du Futur », Bourgogne Franche-Comté


19:00 - 20:30 Networking cocktail


Date Tuesday, April 15

Time 15:00-20:30 (Doors open at 14:30)

Language English/Japanese (simultaneous interpretation)

Venue  CCI France Japon “L’Espace”at CCIFJ office!
Address 2-2-2 Nihombashi, Honcho 1F, Chuo-ku, 103-0023 Tokyo

Fee Please pay via Stripe Payment online system before registration

Presential attendance:

* 9 000 yens for members of the French Chamber

* 18 000 yens for non-members

Remote attendance:

* 5 000 yens for members of the French Chamber

* 10 000 yens for non-members

Deadline for registration/cancellation Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 17:00
Any cancellation after the deadline or no-show will be charged.

All participants are required to pay by CREDIT CARD (via Stripe Payment online system) before the event. Thank you for your understanding.

Register for this event
To register for this event, please click on the button "LOG IN", complete the form and click on the button "CONFIRM AND PAY".

Please register each attendee separately. Number of Seats is limited, be first to register!

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